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Digital Transit Wallet app is the reliable and convenient solution for accessing your National Driver's License (CNH) and Vehicle Registration and Licensing Certificate (CRLV) digitally. With the same legal value as the printed versions, the digital documents on CDT offer a multitude of benefits. You can easily share information in PDF format with a digital signature, eliminating the need for printing or scanning. The authenticity of your digital documents can be verified through the Vio app by scanning the QR Code. Digital Transit Wallet revolutionizes the way you carry and manage your essential documents, providing mobility, security, and peace of mind. Get CDT now for a seamless digital document experience!
- CNH Digital: Access your National Driver's License digitally, eliminating the need to carry around a physical card.
- CRLV Digital: Store your Vehicle Registration and Licensing Certificate on your phone for easy access whenever needed.
- Easy Sharing: Export documents to PDF with a digital signature for legal validity, saving time and hassle.
- Validation Tool: Use the Vio app to easily verify the authenticity, reliability, and integrity of your digital documents.
Playing Tips for CDT:
- Make sure your state is enabled for CRLV Digital before downloading the app to ensure compatibility.
- Check that your CNH has a QR Code on the back if issued after 05/05/2017 to use CNH Digital.
- Take advantage of the easy sharing feature to quickly share your digital documents when needed.
- Use the Vio app to validate your digital documents with a simple scan of the QR Code.
With Digital Transit Wallet , you can have your important documents such as your driver's license and vehicle registration easily accessible on your phone. Digital Transit Wallet offers convenience, mobility, and added security with features like digital signatures and validation tools. Say goodbye to carrying around physical cards and streamline your document management with CDT. Download Digital Transit Wallet today and experience the benefits of having your digital transit portfolio at your fingertips.
File size: 10.96 M Latest Version: 6.8.1
Requirements: Android Language: English
Votes: 128 Package ID:
Developer: Serviços e Informações do Brasil
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